ROCKET RETAIL ADVISORY Affiliate Members and their agents are all seasoned, fully licensed, commercial real estate experts.

Eastern Region
Jim Chambers

J.M. (Jim) Chambers
Halifax Office

Office 902-542-1400
Cell 902-300-5600

Sylvana Chambers

Sylvana Chambers
Halifax Office

Office 902-542-1400
Cell 902-300-0662

Québec Region
Gilbert Vocelle

Gilbert Vocelle
Montreal Office

Office 514-232-9732
Fax 450-458-4675

Gilbert Vocelle

Susy Genesse
Montreal Office

Cell 514-910-9910

Central Region
Len Goudy

Len Goudy
Broker of Record*

Office 905-477-3000
Cell 416-830-0880
Fax 905-477-3005

Alan Cole

Alan Cole
Toronto Office

Direct 416-312-7729
Fax 905-477-3005

Lisa Carvalho

Lisa Carvalho
Toronto Office

Direct 416-476-6896

John Amos

John Amos
Sales Representative*
Toronto Office

Direct 416-523-1525

Lyn Ogilvie

Lyn Ogilvie
Sales Representative*
Toronto Office

Direct 416-996-2177

Kathleen Beal

Kathleen Beal
Sales Representative*

Direct: 416-568-3186

Rick Green

Rick Green
Broker of Record,
Goudy Retail Consulting Services

Direct (416) 931-4636

Richard Greville

Richard Greville
Sales Representative*
Toronto Office

Direct 905-308-2406

Dennis Eberhard

Dennis Eberhard
Sales Representative*

Direct: 613-294-0288

Kurt Rainhard

Kurt Rainhard
Sales Representative
Goudy Rainhard Real Estate Services Brokerage

Direct: 416-294-6133

Alexandra Godwin

Alexandra Godwin
Sales Representative*

Direct: 647-982-8798

Wilson Wu

Wilson Wu
Sales Representative*

Direct: 416-412-1927



*Goudy Real Estate Corp.,
Real Estate Brokerage,
Suite 20, 505 Hood Road,
Markham, Ontario, L3R 5V6.
Telephone (905) 477-3000.